June 27th 2016 today??!! I could hardly believe my eyes this morning when I opened my agenda. Time does fly! Feels like yesterday that I was asking myself what summer 2016 would bring. Like all winters I was dreaming about another succesfull year for DayClaire. But I can always only hope for that to happen. And work my ass off to make that happen of course! Will this summer be as busy, or even busier than last year? Will our team of loving nannies grow, will we receive more babysitting requests, expand all our boundaries? Will we be helping more families than we can dream of? Yes!! We proved again that we can! Today, June 27th 2016, I can say DayClaire Nanny Services is doing a darn good job again! Right from the start of the season in April. We have been babysitting so many wonderful kids already, enabled so many parents to enjoy Ibiza’s other side and this is only the beginning. What will July and August, the real high season months bring? I am looking forward to it with trust. Seeing our agenda filling up quickly.. It is going to be a magic summer; a true gift and I am ever so thankful for every request!
Adapt, improve, conquer!
“Get rid of the known and jump into the unknown, adapt, improve and conquer!”
I felt like writing about our succes, because I want to share my story. So many people want to live and work abroad and I want to tell you all once again that everything is possible, your only limit is you. So many people dream of being the boss of their own company. Dream of making a career out of their passion. I wish more people would follow their dreams! That more people would dare to take risks. Would dare to jump and grow wings on their way down. Look at me. I was only 23 when I arrived in Ibiza. If you would have told me I’d grow the biggest Dutch Nanny Agency in Ibiza, would serve an international clientèle, including international celebrities I would have not believed you. Or maybe I would, because I’ve always dreamed of being a boss lady of a international company, but still, there is a difference between dreaming and achieving. I also started not knowing what would happen. I took a major risk. But I had a vision -and I was determined to leave Holland to never return again so what choice did I have?- Sometimes it helps to get rid of your securities, so that not succeeding in your next step is not an option. You just have to. No safety net. Raise the pressure and get the best out of yourself. My advice to everyone with doubts and fears: get rid of the known and jump into the unknown, adapt, improve and conquer!
Nothing is impossible
“Your only limit is you”
In the last four years numerous of people have sent me messages asking how I did it. Called me an example and wanted to move abroad too. If I could help them achieving the same? Make them a part of my life or be their stairway to their succes story. They asked for advice, asked me what to do in Ibiza in order to live a life in paradise too. Although I always admire everyone's ambitions and intentions, questions and dreams, I think all of you have your own path. Everyone has to learn their own lessons. It’s always good to ask around and find people that were once in your shoes, but most of you get lost while searching for answers, get lost in the 'what if I can't' mode. That’s where your dream freezes. Speaking about taking risks! Don't let your dream stay a dream. Make your dream a memory and make room for new dreams and memories, keep pushing yourself forward, no matter the bumps on your road. You only have this one life. At a certain point you have to jump. Like I did. I jumped. I quit my job in Holland, I sold everything I got and I flew to Ibiza where I only knew one lady. One! I trusted life, trusted my own knowledge and perseverance and didn't let fear be my guide.
Trust and love
“We have a thing in common: we all want the best for your children.”
Every day I am grateful for where my determination brought me. And I am thankful for all the chances I got. For interviews on the radio and in blogs and newspapers. Thankful for all our partnerships in Ibiza and Holland and super thankful as well for all the wonderful, loving and gifted babysitters that help DayClaire grow!! And most of all, I am thankful for you, parents. For your trust. You have contacted DayClaire and asked for a nanny or au pair you have never seen before to watch your little ones. That is a risk! Ridiculous? No! You trusted our service, believed that we will take the best care of your little ones possible! And that makes DayClaire a trust and love based company. We have a thing in common: we all want the best for your children. We share a connection, a circle, of love and trust.
Keep learning and growing
All I wanted and could ask for came true. I left Holland, set up a life in paradise and grew a fruitful company that helps others to enjoy Ibiza too in a relaxt way. My next step? Keep growing, keep optimizing our babysitting services, maybe take DayClaire to other countries too -why not?- and keep enabling families to enjoy their well deserved peaceful holiday!
Hopefully we will help you soon too! Never forget:
DayClaire Nanny services,
Happy Children, Peaceful Parents!